Quick thinking and lockdown saved lives
Quick thinking on behalf of elementary school administrators saved the lives of countless children at a Northern California elementary school on Tuesday. After a bloody rampage through Rancho Tehama where he killed four people, the gunman attacked the local elementary school.
Local officials report that after he killed four people at several sites the gunman tried to get into the Rancho Tehama Elementary School. He had a semi-automatic rifle and two handguns in his possession.
The AP reported that workers heard shots being fired and immediately initiated a lockdown that saved lives.
School officials say that the gunman crashed his vehicle through the school’s locked gate and fired dozens of shots on the campus — he shot out windows and through walls.
Jeanine Quist, an administrative assistant with the Corning Union Elementary School District, says no one was killed at the Rancho Tehama Elementary School Monday morning but a “number” of students were shot and wounded.
Tehama County Assistant Sheriff Phil Johnston stated that it was “monumental” that school workers took the action they did and that it resulted in saving the lives of countless children.
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